
Stress and Deadlines

Research can be quite frustrating at times. I am quite stressed out at the moment, as I have a progress update presentation on Wednesday. Not only is the presentation proving unusually difficult to put together what I have found already, but I am also struggling due to the fact that it needs to include a brief summary of what I intend to do in order to finish the project.

At this point, I am unsure what I can actually accomplish before my program ends in just over three weeks. The past few weeks have uncovered quite a few new variables that need to be accounted for, adding to the already lengthy list of tests that need to still be performed. There also have been several other people that have needed to use the equipment that my tests require, resulting in a reduced availability of testing time for me. All these things are pressuring me, telling me that I need to somehow find a way to begin wrapping up tests and consolidating information. The truth though, is that I really have no clue how I am supposed to do that.

And so the stress builds…

– Gavin

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