Ponderings and Wanderings

Thought Creation Issues

I am unaware whether this is normal or not, but I have days where my mind refuses to think new thoughts. Instead, it simply replay’s things overland over that I have seen, heard, or imagined. It endlessly loops though the same old thoughts, without regard to whether or not I really want to think them again.

Part of this derives from my brain’s desire to input and organize every single thought I have ever had in memorable, ordered patterns. Sometimes, I can even remember insanely long strings of utterly meaningless information that I made up for fun years ago with no effort whatsoever. While this can be somewhat amusing on occasion, it can be downright irritating at times.

Another phenomena to consider is the fact that my mind races along at an incredibly fast pace every waking moment of my day. It does not slow down when I go to relax. If anything, it speeds up. I find myself with this unstoppable need to think about something, even when I want to think about nothing. I sometimes cannot even fall asleep at night because my train of thought has too much momentum to be stopped.

When combined with some of my less-significant personality quirks, these two oddities seem to produce a sort of “Filler Material” for my brain to think about when it is moving to quickly to come up with new thoughts. This especially tends to happen when I am worn out. However, this “Thought Loop” sometimes occurs when I am actually trying to do something very mentally intensive. It feels as if the “Record Thought” switch in my is temporarily jammed, and I am drowned in recycled thoughts of times past. I actually had a much more interesting and original thought today that I was planning on blogging about, but this problem got in the way, and left me with with nothing but old thought running circles in my head.

– Gavin

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