
Personal Payment Panic

Today I had quite a shock to find my credit card nearly empty when I went to use it to load up my laundry card. I was sent into a panic franticly searching for a way to obtain my current bank statement. I was thinking I might have had a break in to my account, but as it turned out, I had just forgot to enter a purchase into my checkbook.

This whole incident bothers me in hindsight, because I forgot. I am not usually a person who forgets things, and I really do not want to mess up monetary balances like this now that I am on my own. I guess I seriously have to tighten up my budget, and keep a closer eye on this and other such grown-up matters.


One thought on “Personal Payment Panic

  1. Try the Mint App. I know a lot of people that use that app to keep track of their budget and it works really well.


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