
Stress Rant

Warning: This post is a rant. It may not be ideal to read this if you are having the best day of your life. Otherwise, read on.

Sometimes, life throws you lemons made of concrete. Even when you are having a good day, one concrete lemon can turn your day from good to bad in a hurry. This is kind of how I feel right now due to the very leaky dam of stress that is college assignments which never seems able to be repaired. Currently, I am taking a break from studying for the first exam (over 3/4 of the way into the semester) in my chemical engineering Separations 2 class, and am experiencing the difficulty of not knowing exactly what I am supposed to know. I also have a computer science group presentation to which I was assigned a group over easter break, and we are expected to know the content of our presentation by Thursday. Additionally, one of my other two-credit physics classes consistently takes more than ten hours per week to study for, and due to the intensity of homework for that class, I have been forced to push back two of my religion papers to the last minute. Outside of class, I need to prepare for a presentation of research I did last summer that is occurring this Friday, and I have to be able to spend time with my visiting family this weekend. In short, I am quite stressed out right now.

It is not all bad however. I found a job for the summer, so I at least do not have to worry about that any longer. I hope that this post did not stress you out too much. In the future I will try not to rant too often on this blog, but there may be times like tonight where I really need to just let it out.

– Gavin